Visual impaired aid

client: Design for Health

Image of the pin used for Visually Impaired Aid

The project

Visual impaired aid is a simple clip that allows a visually impaired person to choose their clothes colour and pair them easily. The clips are used with companion swatches that help make pairings.

Details of the Visually Impaired Aid pin

My role

– User research
– Ideation and design
– CAD, Rendering and Prototyping

Visually Impaired Aid preliminary sketches

The process

After several interviews with visually impaired people and staff of the Royal Society for the Blind in Sheffield (SRSB) I saw that the available products on the market weren’t highly used, mainly due to their cost.

Each aid is clipped to a piece of garment, giving it a colour description in Braille. By touching the aid, the user knows what colour is the clothe and can combine it with any other garment of its choice. Swatches allow the user to combine garment according to customisable colour combinations.

The final product was developed with cost and manufacturing in mind. The clip needs to be small enough to be discrete while keeping a good surface for the Braille code used to describe the colours.

Image of a Visually Impaired Aid pin in use Image of a range of pins for Visually Impaired Aid Image of the swatches to be used with the Visually Impaired Aid pin